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Pier Management and Consulting provides products and services to increase farm profitability. Specializing in horticultural crops, such as berries, vegetables, and hops, Pier helps farmers increase yields and improve operational efficiencies.

Founded by horticulturalists Jason Smith and Mike Boot, Pier Management and Consulting combines the wisdom of generations with leading edge technology and growing techniques, to provide customized improvement solutions to farmers in British Columbia and across Canada.

To learn more, please visit our Products and Services pages, or simply get in touch. Your questions about how we can help you improve operations and increase profits are most welcome.


PollinAIDTM maximizes the genetic potential of your crops and ensures…


Creates a semi-permeable elastic membrane that reduces moisture loss in…


Promotes strong rooting and development in cuttings and young plants,…

Reset Foliar

ReSet Foliar provides important nutrients for bud set and early…